Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Academy of Brooklyn exists to provide a Christ-centered education that will empower its students to become ethical, responsible, productive Catholic men and women. Through the integration of spirituality, prayerfulness, and the practice of Catholic tradition, the faculty of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is dedicated to the moral, intellectual, social, and cultural development of our students. We challenge them to strive for personal excellence and send them forth to witness Jesus’ values in our ever-changing, multicultural society.
As a Catholic Academic Community, the administration, pastor, teachers, and staff of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Academy are courteous, caring and dedicated professionals who strive constantly to enhance the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development of our students in a safe nurturing environment. Our community of faith has a present commitment to Mary, our Mother of Perpetual Help. We view the process of educating students as incorporating the following word (message), community worship and service through prayer services, community projects, liturgical celebration, cultural celebration and involvement in parish activities. The faculty is committed to motivating students to learn to develop their talents. The acquisition of knowledge is a multifaceted process enabling students to synthesize information to analyze and to apply skills to a variety of learning experiences.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Academy of Brooklyn is committed to providing a Catholic education to our increasingly diverse student body. The administration, faculty, and staff are mindful of their responsibility to educate and evangelize students for the Church's mission in the world. The school strives to enhance the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development of its students in a safe, nurturing environment.